Christian Koenen Group receives prestigious "Employer of the Future" award
Dear Johannes, dear Rehm team,
on behalf of the entire Koenen Group, we want to congratulate you on the 33rd anniversary of Rehm Thermal…
1 event, 19 exhibitors from all areas of electronics manufacturing.
Christian Koenen Group at the EPP InnovationsFORUM: Experience the future of electronics manufacturing with us and attend our captivating…
CK Group at the "Berlin Technology Forum": Experience the future of electronics manufacturing in our inspiring lecture
Next goal: Global Player
Error-free stencil printing despite high solder resist
In recent years, the Koenen Group has been able to successfully expand the areas of precision step stencils for SMD fine pitch printing,…
This year the 38th Nepcon Japan R&D and Manufacturing took place from 25th until 27th January in Tokyo.
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